Get2it - Personalised Profiling

There is power in knowing yourself, what is available to you and having awareness of strengths and allowable weaknesses. Sometimes we can only see ourselves clearly by looking at ourselves from a distance and independently.
“The best knowledge is knowing yourself and your inner being.” Debasish Mridha

Profiling and the use of psychometrics

Our primary purpose is to help you grow and extend your performance by releasing potential. To do this we need to understand a lot about you and the factors that influence you and your performance.

A way of doing this through “Psychometrics devices”, which are sometimes referred to generically as “tests”, are instruments that enable the exploration and assessment of various attributes and characteristics which distinguish one individual from another. Some are intended to be purely descriptive, whilst others permit degrees of behavioural prediction, performance assessment, or identify susceptibility to external influence.

Factors explored, measured or identified by these instruments fall roughly into six groups:

  • General Intellectual Ability, i.e., the capacity to acquire knowledge, both factual and abstract, and to use this in the solution of intellectually based problems.
  • Aptitudes, i.e., specific capacities such as mechanical, musical or linguistic ability. This group can also include physical aptitudes.
  • Attainment, i.e., acquired knowledge or skill in a particular field such as shorthand, arithmetic or the ability to read a map.
  • Interests, i.e., areas of activity or thought which are particularly attractive to an individual.
  • Behaviour and Motivation, i.e., habituated and idiosyncratic responses to environmental, or contextual stimuli and the underlying motivational factors that initiate or mediate these.
  • Personality, i.e., the complex of psychological characteristics which identify an individual as unique and, when viewed in common, permit the identification and evaluation of social groups and their dynamics.

The developmental benefit of providing a new and unique perspective enables you to maximise your gain from the developmental. This feedback is generally provided through one-to-one confidential interviews.

There is no ‘standard package’ of psychometric instruments that we use. We have approximately a hundred different instruments in our armoury which include many of the well-known.

What do other people think?


After initial consultation a selection of profiles will be administered

How to Book Your Space and Change Your World!

If you would like to book onto an intervention or find out more information, please fill out our contact form or call us on +44(0) 7368 679 101  and if the line is busy, they will be dealing with other interested people so call back or leave a message.

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for Personalised Profiling